Logged out of Client Area

Having trouble staying logged into the Client Area?


Last Update a month ago

Some users may experience being repeatedly logged out of the Network Dynamics Client Area soon after logging in or can't log in at all after supplying the correct credentials. This behaviour is commonly caused by the use of a VPN service or 5G mobile networks.
  • If you experience this behaviour while using a VPN, please try disconnecting from the VPN and retry logging into the Client Area
  • If you're connected via a 5G network and experience this behaviour, please try connecting to a trusted WiFi network and retry logging into the Client Area 
It is common for VPN endpoints to rotate IP addresses in between browser sessions (5G networks are known to rotate IPs like this, too). This can cause issues with login pages as this type of activity is commonly associated with hacking techniques known as cookie/session hijacking.
As it is best security practice to protect against this kind of activity, some VPN/5G users may find themselves being repeatedly logged out of the Client Area.

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